Gabion Outdoor FireplacesSimpleLow CostWalls
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Gabion Ideas for Stone Outside Fires, Fireplace and Outdoor Firepits

gabion fireplace

Gabion walls are cheaper, much stronger and quicker to install than any other rock wall!!!

Gabion baskets are ideal for outdoor fire places

DIY Friendly Buy direct from the importer. No middle man!!

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You can follow the link now to a priced fireplace design idea

Or you can view our Gabion Basket sizes and prices

If you have your own fireplace design, then email us at with a sketch and dimensions for us to cost.

Gabion1 do not supply the steel fireboxes, contact Jetmaster, Warmingtons, Kiwibraai, Rinnai or EBay

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Clyffe Pypard SN4 7PY



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